At Breadshop, our motto of established daily lies at the heart of everything we do: our products are baked and sold the day they are made, and at the end of the day, any unsold product is donated to a local food pantry.
Farm Link Hawaii
Farm Link Hawai‘i offers local groceries, delivered. We connect local growers and buyers via our innovative online marketplace and supply-chain infrastructure, making it easy for Oʻahu families to discover and purchase local food. Our core purpose is to make Hawai‘i prosperous, healthy, and resilient.
J. Ludovico Farm
J. Ludovico Farm is a family owned operation offering whole, fresh, locally grown, and pasture raised chickens on Oahu.
Our mission is to co-create a healthy, inclusive and productive farm-based community with homeless families, people with disabilities and youth.
Kolea Farm
Located on the North Shore of O’ahu – Kolea Farm is community supported and offers a wide variety of foods to it’s local members and restaurants grown with organic and sustainable farming practices.

Local I’a
Local I’a was established to increase the awareness of where our seafood comes from, highlight our hard working pono fishers, and provide healthy local seafood to our community.
MA’O Organic Farms
MAʻ O is an acronym for Mala ʻ Ai ʻ Opio, which translates to youth food garden and is an affirmation of our belief that when we restore the relationship between youth and ʻ āina, we restore our ancestral connection to the land and foster an interdependence that returns abundance and prosperity to the community.
Moloka’i Wildlife Management
Pu’u O Hoku Ranch
Pu’u O Hoku Ranch is a family-owned biodynamic and organic ranch and farm, rustic retreat center, and sublime getaway on the remote and tranquil east end of Molokai, Hawaii.
Small Kine Farm
Learning from nature. Mirroring ecosystems by promoting biodiversity, reusing underutilized resources and growing organic produce to better the community.